The Sandy Arrow Ranch (“SA Ranch”) is a 22,500 acre cattle ranch/dry land farm located in central Montana that borders the Missouri Breaks National monument. This part of Montana is classic northern plains country. Lewis and Clark came through this country in 1805, commenting that this area held more wildlife than any other part of their expedition. What they witnessed was undisturbed, robust native prairie with millions of buffalo and other ungulates happily grazing. The prairie was a perfectly balanced ecosystem that nature spent 100’s of millions of years to create. In the last 100 years, man has upset this ecosystem through chemical focused conventional agriculture. Instead of lush poly-cultures of native grasses, mono-cultures of wheat are grown in synthetic chemicals (e.g. nitrogen and potassium) which has compromised the soil and turned water tables toxic.
Eric is on a mission to prove that nature is still the best blueprint for the land. Under the concept of “bio-mimicry”, the SA Ranch will be a giant Petrie dish to prove that there are agriculture practices which can heal the planet as well as improve the health of humans. Beginning in early 2016, Eric began implementing a “soils first” regenerative program that currently is being applied at the SA Ranch.